Členské poplatky
Na nákup kníh, pomôcok a oblečenia ale aj na aktívnu participáciu v našom združení,...
Body na stáže
Body na stáž v nasledujúcej sezóne za zbierajú za obdobie 1.10. (predchádzajúci rok) –...
Česko- ukrajinský slovník s frázami
Česko- ukrajinský slovník s frázami Stiahnite si PDF formu od našich českých kolegov. Karty...
Spain 2021
My first choices when picking Spain for an exchange were Santander and the Department...
Spain 2021
When I decided to participate in the IFMSA exchange program I knew I wanted to spend my...
Romania 2021
My name is Saša and this is a report on my summer exchange in...
Egypt 2021
Over this summer with 2 other girls from our University, I completed the internship in...
Croatia 2021
As a medical student of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, who...
Slovenia 2021
My exchange country was Slovenia. I spent a month in Ljubljana and I have to say I am...